I love this guy

In retrospect, the powers that be probably made a mistake letting this guy get his hands on a foreign education.  And Stanford University probably should have strangled him in the crib, too.


Anonymous said...

I got a strong engineer vibe from that one. E.g Was I emotional? Let's see if we can measure it! Nope, not feeling anything.

And then the touchy feely just don't get him. :-D

- Stc Michael

Ymarsakar said...

Maybe this is due to the fact that Goldman is now a public company with a quarterly earnings call.

Most definitely. Linkedin didn't even start making a profit until years after when the preplanned investment sources ran out.

A quarterly earnings call or even annual, focuses on short term gains, not long term. In order to promote subordinate long term strategy, they need physical and manifest rewards at the 2 year mark at least, no less. LinkedIn was launched with a plan of negative profits for 4-5 years if I recall, and their ultimate investor schedule got on schedule more or less. The venture capitalist investors then sold the company to somebody, Microsoft I think. These investors are the epitome of high risk, high reward people. They like to gamble with their money, except using customized strategies, long term.

That's how the rich get richer, by having money first, but only by moving it constantly. If 5 plans fail, there's still another 4 in the works that will force the 9 to break even. When people run out of things to buy, they'll find other competitions that are riskier.

douglas said...

It's certainly an interesting piece, and enjoyable. Yet, I also feel it's missing something, or a few things. He seems to conclude that it's mostly about luck, but also seems unaware of the need to be in a certain place at a certain time for the luck to be able to affect you. Some call this 'making you luck', or say that hard work increases your chances of having good luck. I'd analogize this to a sailor on the open ocean. He could cross his fingers, sit back and hope for the best, figuring it's all random luck anyway, or he could use what knowledge he has and sail in the best way he knows, but reacting to what the sea tells him while he's out there (learning from experience), and increase his odds of getting home safely. It's true, of course, that on the sea, there are a great many things beyond one's control, some of which can kill you, but yet what you do or don't do can and will likely have a great affect on the outcome of your journey.