Ukraine is a "strategic partner" of the Biden Family trust fund

I wouldn't want to get Mark Steyn on my bad side.
In a functioning system, the head of the government sets foreign policy and the diplomats enact it. So naturally there's not a chance of that in Washington. When Taylor and Kent whine that there seemed to be a "shadow foreign policy", the shadow is theirs; they spent a day testifying that everything had been going ticketty-boo for decades just as they'd always done things - and then Trump came along and took a different view. Oh, my! Anyone would think that, as Barack Obama once proposed, "elections have consequences".
But the piece is really worth reading for the rant about silly ambassador names. Spurgeon? Seriously? Spurgeon, Jr., for all love?


Texan99 said...
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ymarsakar said...

It kind of sounds like America has realized America has a corruption or treason problem... wasn't that obvious decades ago?

I am sure more people than me started yelling at the Heavens about this, especially concerning the Federal Reserve Act and FDR's little 4 term regime.