One Way to Help

 When Kentucky was flooded a while back, the guys at Stocking Mill Coffee put together a 'strike team' of relief, and headed up and helped people out- no big NGO, no overhead, just dudes helping people who needed it.  They're at it again, and I trust them to put my dollars to good use up there.  The CEO is a vet and a "get it done" kind of guy, so the right man for the job.  They are targeting the area between Spartanburg and Ashville, and that seems like a good target zone for the operation.  I offer this as I know many here share my distrust of the big NGOs, and as I mentioned, I trust these guys.  Link to their donation site.


Grim said...

What we need is gasoline. If he’s going to be using up gasoline to bring something else, tell him not to come.

The big issue is that the main roads for 18-wheelers are almost all closed. You can’t get big trucks up many of these roads even when they’re in the best condition they ever get, and the ones you can will be far fewer, far slower.

What would be helpful is a Moonshiner project for gas shipments. Weld tanks into fast cars, just like the old days, but to bring gas up here instead of moonshine out of here. Those cars could handle these roads, and do so quickly enough to make up for the smaller shipments.

Piercello said...

Does the military have experience airlifting gas into rough terrain? Grasping for ideas.

E Hines said...

Does the military have experience airlifting gas....

Should have. We used CH-53s to lift mobile radar sites--including here, fuel bladders--to wherever we needed them.

There are a variety of helicopters that can do that; the question is their availability for this vs other priorities. This isn't an isolated dislocation.

Eric Hines

douglas said...

Grim, I passed along your commentary. They're running small- pickup with trailer scale- so maybe can do as you're suggesting.

Anonymous said...

404 message on the donation site.
Could a 5000 gallon truck get through?
Or a 1 ton pickup with six 55 gallon drums?
If someone with logistical experience could get a truck shipment together, I would be happy to contribute.

raven said...

^ that was me, above.

douglas said...

Sorry, for some reason they turned off the donation link- I guess they set a goal and reached it?