I’m Going to Jackson

A bona fide Stetson hat, with fake dirt, $265 new.

Flying into Jackson Hole airport (JAC) a week and a half ago, I rode a nearly empty jet with a completely full First Class cabin. 

Playground of the rich, the old cowboy town is a sad sight. All isn’t lost: at The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar I ran into a group of the Punishers MC, off-duty cops coming home from Sturgis. 

Mostly it’s just rich people wondering if people will consider their newly-purchased hats fake. I advised one lady that the straw hat she was considering would be legitimate until Labor Day. If you buy one of these faux-dirt Stetsons, Dude, you’re on your own. 


E Hines said...

That hat's an insult.

And, to add insult to insult, it lacks the sweat stains that would go with the dirt. If the dirt were real. Which it's not, since it wasn't earned onto the hat.

Eric Hines

Grim said...

Ironically I left my Stetson at home because I thought it was too sweat-stained from the years in Iraq.

E Hines said...

Those sweat stains should be worn on your Stetson like the badges of honor that they are.

Eric Hines

raven said...

Goes along with the pre-ripped jeans I suppose. These are the same people that advise us on having "authentic" lives , whatever that is supposed to mean.

Mike Guenther said...

Do they still have the Elk antler arches in the town square...or have all those snobs from Hollywood made a fuss to have them taken down.

Anonymous said...

My real, sweat-stained, battered and much loved Stetson blew off my head when the chin strap broke during a pre-flight inspection. When I got to the hat, a liquid manure spray-truck had just gone past. RIP hat, it could not be salvaged.


Grim said...

The elk antlers are still there, along with a plaque explaining that the elk shed their antlers annually and naturally at no harm to themselves, while sheltering on the nearby winter refuge at which they are protected by the town; and, further, that they are collected by volunteers and mostly sold for charity to help the poor. I think they may survive the current age.

JC said...

I don't have a shitload of money to drop on hats, and here on the Texas Gulf Coast a felt hat's really kinda ridiculous. So I wear straw hats, wear 'em for a couple years until they're crusty with salt, and hand 'em over to a buddy who leaves 'em on his deer lease. Evidently the salt attracts the poor dumb creatures, and they become desensitized to the human scent. At least, that's what he tells me, when he's not insulting my hat.