Advice You Can Use

If you are a reader of Grim’s Hall, there is a good chance that you would enjoy opening champagne tonight with a sword. If you’ve never done it before, The Art of Manliness has a helpful graphic


E Hines said...

Curbstones work the same way with bottles of Ripple.

Need especially to heed the advice re stray shards of glass, though....

Eric Hines

Grim said...

I trust my readers to handle the risks they choose to assume. Good luck, and happy New Year!

Christopher B said...

Real Men can catch the cork ;)

Happy New Year to the Hall!

raven said...

"Curbstones work the same way with bottles of Ripple."

with deliberation, or as a result of gravity!?

E Hines said...

"Curbstones work the same way with bottles of Ripple."

with deliberation, or as a result of gravity!?


Eric Hines