The Church Rocket War

Another religious custom I learned about today is the Easter rocket “war” on Chios. I learned about it because my mother is doing Friday homeschooling of my niece, due to the local school system going to a four-day week. She was going to teach a unit today on Greece because one of the neighborhood families is moving there; but being opposed to all forms of danger or risk, my mother was horrified by the inclusion of this subject in a children’s book. 

I was correspondingly delighted. It looks like a great time. 


Thomas Doubting said...

I used to be on a professional pyro team. We shot the 4th and also a lot of sports events. Lots of fun, until it went all electric. We used to use road flares to light up 3"-8" shells and you'd always end the night with a few new holes burned into your shirt. Then it all shifted to electric ignition and instead of being right there for the boom and sparks as the shell came out of the mortar you'd stand off I guess 30 yards or so and flip switches. Still a good view of it all, but not quite as much fun.

Thomas Doubting said...

Here's my post about it w/ a few pics:

Anonymous said...

My parents were in Greece for Easter many years ago. They liked the idea of shooting fireworks at the priest when he announces at midnight that "He is risen!"

The then minister at our church ... didn't seem as enthusiastic.
