raven said...

Blue skies, motorcycle's, Brothers, a good time! Watch your six, relaxed and happy is when the Buick's and Volvo's come roaring out of the sun.... :>)

Grim said...

So far, so good. :)

ymarsakar said...


Somebody seems to be training for an apocalypse or perhaps he just came out of one in his past life.

ymarsakar said...

The Kelty Cosmic 20 that Grim recommended a few years ago, is pretty light. That's good. ALthough I don't know how good it is in harsher conditions.

Before I got a C 20, I had to use emergency space mylar (NASA!!!) due to a summer tent that was being used in 40 F mornings and nights. 60 F is okay in the morning. 30-40 F at night on the arms and face, is not as good. This was during that weird hurricane disaster relief problem over in South Carolina at one time.