Sum Ting Wong

Apparently the San Francisco local TV news anchors will read anything they see on the teleprompter.


E Hines said...

Oddly, a blue-eyed blonde did the reading.


Eric Hines

Grim said...

Wow, that escalated quickly.

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the water. The sports guy on one of our regional news stations was reading the slide cues and paragraph breaks aloud last night.


Bob said...

I just watched that twice, and my face hurts!

Texan99 said...

We kept playing it at a neighborhood party last night for every new group that wandered in, and it had the whole crowd laughing helplessly every time. Low sense of humor, I guess.

The NTSB has issued a clenched-jaw press release of the "That's not funny" variety, blaming the incident on a summer intern.

I swear the video clip is on every website I turn to today.

Eric Blair said...

And everybody thought "Anchorman" wasn't a documentary...

douglas said...

I think it's funny the news station defended itself by saying 'hey, the NTSB verified it'. That you would even need to verify it doesn't say good things for you, much less that you wouldn't verify it with the airline first or also, for instance.