Maybe not the effect they're hoping for

From Salena Zito, who was on the podium:
Earlier that afternoon, before the shooting that left two people dead including the gunman, I asked an 11-year-old: “Is this your first Trump rally?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, “but it’s not going to be my last.”

1 comment:

Gringo said...

I asked an 11-year-old: “Is this your first Trump rally?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, “but it’s not going to be my last.

Yes, the politics bug can hit you early. When I was 10 I was outside our town hall when the Democrat running for Congress stopped by. There wasn't anyone around, and he soon left. I guess that he happened to drive by the town hall, and decided to take a look-see. He lost that year, but went on to serve 8 years in Congress before he died.

When a future Republican Congressman was in his first campaign, a classmate of my sister was his driver.

Several years later, in a weekend shortly before the election, that same Congressman tagged along on a drug raid at a house not far from where I lived. Several months later I sold a Vespa scooter to someone living at that house.

Don't know how relevant this is.