Jack Smith isn't special

Judge Cannon has dismissed the Florida documents case on the ground, as set forth in Justice Thomas's recent concurring opinion, that Jack Smith's appointment as special counsel was unconstitutional.

1 comment:

E Hines said...

From the judge's ruling, where she listed the required actions associated with her order:

3. This Order is confined to this proceeding. The Court decides no other legal rights or claims.

The ruling itself: https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2024-07/gov.uscourts.flsd_.648653.672.0.pdf

It'll be interesting to see the appeals of this order.

It's also the case that Biden's DoJ can prosecute the case directly; Garland's appointment of Smith was a smokescreen to disguise that. Garland/Biden also can try to get a Special Counsel properly appointed and pursue the case.

It'll also be interesting to see the effect of this on another Federal judge's case--the J6 prosecutions by Smith.

This ain't over 'til it's over.


Eric Hines