Ymar’s Post

This is Wednesday’s post for Ymar’s metaphysical writing.


ymarsakar said...

That's a weird term, metaphysics.

It lines up with Ymar's World though, as the world itself viewed through physics or meta (above) physics.

Last time on episode 1, I introduced two conceptual polarities on a single spectrum, Service to Self and Service to Other. However, given that AMerica is under some kind of insurgency siege and COIN needs to be applied to cities, I'll write about that instead.

Right now, in truth, the Cabal is scarred. Or else they would never have taken the risk to do such a slapshod job. Soros and others are better than that. THey know, strategically, that if they use Antifa in this fashion, it will be another Tet Offensive. Except this time there is no Cronkite to declare it a loss for USA. If they use guerillas as "active" army line units... they may infict some casualties, but it will also roll their networks open. Which it did, now that Trump is declaring somebody or other a terrorist organization. "Domestic" terrorist isn't such a bad thing. But foreign or international terrorism... that has big asset penalties. Big enough to freeze even Soros. Normally, it would never be worth that risk. Antifa is cannonfodder. They aren't supposed to be the front line operations. It's too close and too ineffective. There's no plausibility denial for Soros.

Which brings us to the question, why is the Cabal so scared that they would order Soros and his goons to do this? Because many factions, including mine, have cornered the Cabal's strategic layer. Their logistics is being rolled up. And their best threat was "if you do this, we will take the rest of humanity with us".

Oh really. Let's see you do that.

Then 2020 comes around and some kind of mankind killing "Corona event" happens. A "mistaken" missile detect over Hawaii? WHat's next, some guy gets Lincolned or JFKed?

Since people still have the energy to contend against me and contest to me, I suspect they still have the energy to kill the Cabal or authorize other factions like my own to kill the Cabal. THe rules of this stage or game is that events cannot happen unless people agree to it, and this agreement can take some very strange forms. Movies even. These events are what your ancestors and nation, survived to this point for. It is all decided now. Not some nebulous "CW2" some odd decades in the future. Now. It is being decided now.

What benefit does contending against one individual, Ymar, achieve? It is wasted and useless energy, when it would be better to direct this energy in the Last War for Humanity, against the Cabal. But people will choose to do what they wish, as usual. Even the Hebrews decided to attack their Ha'Shem, the Holy One of Israel. That's like AMericans killing Abraham LIncoln.... Or Reagan. Or JFK. None of it makes sense.

Breitbart got a heart attack, after he tweeted that the Cabal might silence him with such an accident. THen his coroner, somehow also dies. That's not really related, although it might be.

These insurgencies are not the second wave or second stage, although they are a kind of stage being activated. I am looking more to the June 13-16 period. THat is when the stars align once again, and the Cabal will be able to Strike Back. Empire strikes back.

I suspect HRC being called to court on June 2, might have scared Soros and others a little bit too much. These riots are mostly a distraction. It's to generate more fear for the dark god rulers of the Cabal, but even if you don't believe that, riots are very disruptive to the economy and Trump's re election.

Why do they need to do all this, when they can just kill Trump? Maybe because they already tried and it didn't work?

ymarsakar said...

Oh I forgot. What I was really directed to write, is that as I mentioned here before when Georgia opened up, if or when the Cabal tries their next hit, I will do something about it. Thus I will or rather have already authorized the release of my counter at the strategic level. I do not even worry or feel anxiety/apprehension/caution/fear about these riots. It's not because they are real or unreal, close or far, it is that they are already taken care of. It's a Tet Offensive. THe Vietcong got ROLLED up at the end, and annihilated. Losing more than 2 generations of Cadre.

I can and have already anchored my territory in GA. How far it extends, is hard to know. Somebody else's problem and job.

I have seen the classified and de classified intel on the Cabal, both human sources and Divine sources. Once people see this, they won't have any energy, time, or heart to argue with Ymar. But it is also why people should get out of my way. I don't have time or energy for them, because either the Cabal dies now, or my life mission is dead. And I do not plan on letting the Cabal "win" any kind of dead man's game.

Grim said...

So, 'metaphysics' is a weird term. It's a Greek term we have imperfectly. The term that gives us 'physics' we know what it meant: it means "nature." We think of physics as the study of motion, but according to Aristotle (whose work gives us the word) what determines motion is nature. A bird has a different nature from a tree, and thus it moves differently.

What is meant by 'metaphysics' is debated by scholars. One possibility is that everything that Aristotle intended to be studied after the physics got compiled into a book, so it means 'after' or 'behind' or 'beside' the Physics.

But the same term can also mean 'beyond,' so another theory is that the term is not accidental but intentional: metaphysics is what explains the secret things that explain why the physics work the way they do.

In any case, I apply it to your posts of this sort because you seem interested in hidden secrets and levers moving reality. I appreciate having those discussions concentrated, both because they're easier to follow and for the same reasons Aristotle separated out the earlier disciplines. If you're discussing rhetoric, it's helpful to focus on rhetoric. (It's hard to focus on metaphysics, because it's so universal -- the opening discussion of the book is about whether you can really have a science of metaphysics at all, since its subject matter would seem to be everything.)

ymarsakar said...

I have compiled a significant amount of "occult" or hidden knowledge and teachings. Much of it, of course, runs counter to the SUbject Matter Experts and orthodoxy.

It's all in my head or in heavy texts written by others, but I have almost all the pieces connected, that I have acquired or been given.

I suspect people here do not care to engage in esoteric "occultism". No, I suspect people care about Practical Power. If something is useful in their war, they will take it. If not, they will ignore it, even if it sounds mysterious or wise.

I cannot fault that pov, as it was the method I used at first.