That should do it


Ymar Sakar said...

4th density social media is so satisfying fun.

I used to rail online in 2007 to 2016 precisely because people refused to be radical even online. Peace had dulled their anger and senses.

douglas said...

Seems you're violating terms, Ymar. Not a man of your word?

Ymar Sakar said...

Who are you? I do not know nor do i recognize any slave terms or contracts you think i signed with you.

When you cannot police your own cities, america... policing my comments will be explained under my post.

ymarsakar said...

direct questions and replies here.

I am sorry individuals here feel the need to police my comments. I will talk about social media on a post about the social media if I feel it is appropriate. If people don't like that... well, Satan hasn't liked me since before I was born.