Interesting Political Videos

From Nicole Shanahan (RFK Jr's VP choice):

From the American Independent Party (whom I'd never heard of before):

They seem to be saying the military industrial complex assassinated both Kennedys. It's well-produced and the TH White quotes are a nice touch. The AIP claims to be the "fastest growing political party in California."

Here's one from the RFK Jr campaign, posted 2 days before he endorsed Trump:

The references to civil war and unity are interesting, but I wonder how he thought he could achieve unity. Or was it just campaign blather?


Gringo said...

From the American Independent Party (whom I'd never heard of before)

George Wallace ran as the American Independent Party candidate in 1968.

Just for the heck of it, my sister and I attended a George Wallace rally in Springfield Mass in 1968. (Sorry, I grew up on Mass, not on MA.) Wanted to hear what the enemy had to say. One of George Wallace's points in his speech has not lost its relevance, the one about the “pointy-head college professors who can’t even park a bicycle straight” telling the average Joe how to run his life. At the time, it was more a jab at bureaucrats, whom the "professors" supported, imposing themselves on the average Joe. Today, it also sounds like the WOKE people- quite often professors- imposing themselves on others.

Note that the numerous Internet quotes about the "pointy head college professor" do not include the following part, about the professor telling the average Joe what to do.

BTW, our friends at Google erased a comment of mine at

Grim said...

I get the sense that he believes in his father's America, and thought he could do it just like RFK Sr. thought he could bring America together 'black and white.'

And really, if we're honest about it, tremendous progress was made on that score -- even if the counterreactions killed both RFK and MLK, and JFK as well. In the end, we are a more unified country on that score, when in the early days there was a deep and penetrating divide.

Anonymous said...

And really, if we're honest about it, tremendous progress was made on that score -- even if the counterreactions killed both RFK and MLK, and JFK as well. In the end, we are a more unified country on that score, when in the early days there was a deep and penetrating divide.

A Marxist, also a big Fair Play for Cuba guy, killed JFK. A Palestinian Christian killed RFK for his support of Israel. A racist killed MLK. Counterreactions? All three very different motives for killing.

Gringo said...

above was my comment.

Grim said...

I have a theory that these sorts of things represent something less individual than they appear, something akin to a white blood cell response within a society against a disruptor. The individual assassin's motive may differ, but each of them had a large part of the community talking quietly in ways that made clear that killing them wasn't just thinkable, but something that somebody ought to get done. Then it's just a question of which wild card picks up what so many people are putting down.

It's like the Trump shooting. We may never know the real motive (because the FBI won't tell us), but it's clear that Trump has been made shootable by a whole swathe of society. It was inevitable that someone would shoot him. The amazing thing is that he survived it.

Thomas Doubting said...

I also think that individuals acting alone can be carrying out a collectively willed act, and it does seem each one was murdered in reaction to something specific. There were three different motives, but each motive had become consensus within a group the killer belonged to.

I think the military-industrial complex angle is just a conspiracy theory, which doesn't reflect well on RFK Jr or the AIP in my opinion.

Grim said...

A lot of conspiracy theories have proven out lately, and I imagine he's paid a lot more attention to the details of the JFK/RFK assassinations than we have. Doesn't mean he's right, but I think we have to be less dismissive of deviations from official narratives than once.

douglas said...

It's worth considering that Trump may have seen the files on the JFK assassination that are locked away. And now RFK Jr is on his side. Makes one wonder.