WWII Unravelling

A remarkable interview -- I usually don't sit still for verbal talk and only read transcripts, but this guy caught my attention. What's really going on right now, he says, is that the order established by the Allied victory in WWII is unravelling. That's why all this is happening, and why it's all so strange.


Christopher B said...

This is also championed by Peter Zeihan though he makes a distinction that the Allied victory may have set up the conditions but it was really the Cold War that drove the establishment of the Global Order by the US as the anti-Communist alliance. No more USSR, no more reason for the Alliance, no more reason for the US to underwrite Globalization.

douglas said...

I almost feel as if Tucker platforming that other guy is almost a perfect smoke screen to make it easy to dismiss any critiques of the results of WWII at all. I wish the world hadn't made me so suspect as this.