Historical Medieval Battles

YouTuber Sensei Seth (whom I've never heard of before) visits Carolina Carnage, which he claims is the biggest Buhurt (from the Old French béhourd, meaning joust or tournament) tournament in the US.

England vs. USA, 2018

150 vs 150 Battle of the Nations


Christopher B said...

It might be defunct now (I haven't been involved for years) but the Society for Creative Anachronism at least used to have a huge annual melee in Pennsylvania. They didn't use steel weapons, however.

Grim said...

Are you talking about Pennsic War, Christopher? It's still ongoing. I've never been involved with the SCA, but I have several friends who are.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

The SCA joke used to be that they didn't have real jousting because they couldn't find horses that stupid anymore.