More Lies and Dictatorial Actions

A chief item of the long-held desiridata of the gun control movement has been to 'close the gun-show loophole,' which we have discussed here many times. It's intended as a backdoor way of preventing anyone from transferring a firearm without going through the Federal government, which would open the door to Federal registries and confiscatory measures. Congress has often discussed it, lo and for decades, but has never done it. 

Since no democratically legitimate effort to pass such a law has proven possible, the Biden administration has simply issued a 'final rule' pretending that such a law was on the books all along.
The rules clarify who is required to conduct background checks and aims to close what is known as the “gun show loophole” — which refers to the reality that gun-show sellers and online vendors are subject to much looser federal regulations than vendors who sell at bricks-and-mortar stores.
That is not and has never been the least bit true, but the media reliably claims that it is true in order to justify the gun control it wants. In fact, sellers have had the same regulations whether or not they were selling at a gun show; if they were in the business of selling guns, they had to do the background checks. If they weren't, they didn't whether they sold a gun at a show or anywhere else. Now, they pretend that the law requires pretty much anyone who wants to sell a gun to obtain a Federal Firearms License (an expensive prospect) and also to conduct background checks. 

More to come, Biden promises in a festival of lies intended to justify such things. Some of the lies are his; mostly, again, they're the media lying to frame his remarks for him. 


Fredrick said...

Our Ruling Class making new Rules for the Rules Based Order to impose on actual Americans.

E Hines said...

From my cold, dead hands....

Used to be a slogan. Party and its communications arm are trying to make it true. Another slogan: They'll rue the day.

Eric Hines

Dad29 said...

Where the Hell are they going to get the 250,000 ATF goons to police this crapola?

"Rue the day" wins the comment contest, E!

E Hines said...

They're letting in that many illegal aliens every couple of months. In addition to those numbers skewing Federal House of Representatives apportionment and, through that, Electoral College elector apportionment, they'll be able to find a bunch of goons amenable to the government.

Eric Hines