A Victory for Liberty

I won't go so far as to say that it was an act of political virtue or wisdom, but it's a win for American liberty all the same. Hopefully no compromises emerge, and FISA/702 goes away forever. 


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Grim - Yup.

E Hines said...

I'm not only concerned about the lack of warrant requirement. The existence of the FISA court--the Star Chamber--should be a deal breaker by itself.

Eric Hines

Anonymous said...

Oh how I long for those past days when they could convincingly lie through their teeth with impunity and I would believe every word they said.

Not really...lol.

Dad29 said...

The Blob will continue to fight for this. They will never give up. Watch for Johnson to try double-talk-at-midnight to ram it home.

He may live to regret ever hearing that phrase "Ram it home," however.

douglas said...

When the inevitable terror attack occurs on our soil as a result of the Biden border debacle, the Dems will callously point to this and blame the Republicans for it.