More Retroactive Censorship

The next post Google decided to censor -- and this one it killed outright, no mere 'content warning' page -- was from 2011. It was a post about then-Governor Nathan Deal being labeled a Nazi by some activist. Back in 2011 that sort of thing was still remarkable enough to have drawn a comment; these days it's a dime-a-dozen sort of deal that probably wouldn't even raise eyebrows. Nathan Deal had been my Congressman, though, and I thought it was a striking thing to say given that he was clearly -- whatever else you might want to say about him -- not a National Socialist, nor indeed a socialist of any description. 

Google claims that the post violated its standards on 'malware and viruses,' which is hard to imagine unless one of the pages I linked to back in 2011 has been repurposed as a malware site. Whatever; clearly the ship has sailed on trying to point out how absurd it is to wield the "Nazi" language in ordinary American politics. Clearly too this algorithmic purging of the blogosphere is going to go on for a while. 


E Hines said...

It's not entirely accurate along another dimension, too: I got an email this morning saying that that post was mine, and they were blocking it.
I have to wonder what Pichai is getting his company up to.
[Conspiracy theory]with Alphabet so enthusiastically working with the PRC government, and the PRC wandering balloons over our nation (one apparently going off course and floating over Canada), what's the collusion here?[/Conspiracy theory]
Eric Hines

james said...

Did the post have comments on it? On posts that are too old comments have to be moderated, but there might be some malware-linking stuff that slipped through.

Grim said...

No, as I was saying on the last relevant post we lost all the early comments. Pity. They were the best part.

It’s hard to imagine the PRC objecting to a discussion of whether or not Americans are Nazis. Even if you take the opposing view, you’re treating it as if it were worth discussing.

E Hines said...

It’s hard to imagine the PRC objecting to a discussion....

It is, but not necessarily for those reasons. It would be all about sowing FUD.

Eric Hines

Anonymous said...

Hey Grim,
You Tube Censure ship problems? Well there is a solution.

You need to build your own platform like this guy did.

Listen from the 50 second mark to the 2:22 second mark on linked video -Greg

Grim said...

No, I don't use YouTube. I could easily port Grim's Hall over to a domain of my own if I wanted, but it would be hard to move 20 years of Blogger content to another platform like WordPress. Even then, there's no guarantee it wouldn't get bought by a corporation that retroactively censors it.