Trusting the Taliban

As the President of the United States abruptly ended and fled from his press conference on Afghanistan, a reporter yelled out the question: "Why do you continue to trust the Taliban, Mr. President?"

It's an excellent question. One of the problems with the Biden administration's "strategy" of trusting the Taliban is that the Taliban forces are irregulars. Even if a Taliban leader promises something, he has no mechanism to ensure the forces on the ground know about his promise -- let alone abide by it. Even if the leaders that the State Department are talking with are sincere, they aren't able to discipline their forces well enough to ensure compliance. 

The situation is bad enough that even ABC News and NPR are turning on the administration. CNN is allowing their in-country correspondent to point out that the evacuation ground to a halt overnight, Qatar is refusing to take any more refugees, and that there is simply no way that they will be able to evacuate the planned numbers in the allotted time.

Their tribal ties persist, but they are under intense strain because of the horror the administration's actions have provoked. You can tell that CNN Correspondent Clarissa Ward thinks of herself as part of the team: even in her hostile interview with John Kirby, she speaks as 'the one who has to look them [i.e. Afghans] in the eyes,' meaning that she feels she is in a way a spokesperson or a symbol of the American administration. Yet she is doing her best to tell the truth, and being genuinely brave in a situation that very suddenly became unstable. 

Meanwhile, a new report shows that the Biden administration promised allies we would leave a stabilizing force in Afghanistan as recently as June. Even the British were given no warning that we had changed our minds and were pulling the rug out. 

Also, the Pentagon is openly contradicting the President on the facts on the ground. The Pentagon is being honest: al Qaeda is definitely still there, contra what the President told the press, and Americans are definitely not getting to the airport without difficulty. They're admitting that Americans are being beaten by the Taliban's forces and driven back in some cases.

It's not clear if Biden has lost his mind or is simply lying, but even his own appointees and favorites among the press can no longer stand to lie for him. That suggests the end is near for his Presidency.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

It's nightmarish to see this unfold before our eyes.

ymarsakar said...

You all are watching God's hand at work. Enjoy the show, because this is what Americans should have felt at Saigon 1.0 but did not. SO it took Saigon 2.0

America's shadows will be brought out, no matter how many people think their misguided personal experience trumps that of the Divine King of the universe.

Atonement and redemption DEMANDS a heart of regret. Not a heart of pride and patriotism.

Even Dan Bongino feels ashamed of his country now, the uber patriot.

IF anyone else wants some "divine sign" that my words are true and not a prediction, let me or God know on the hot line.

We'll get it done when we get to it.

ymarsakar said...

"It's not clear if Biden has lost his mind or is simply lying, but even his own appointees and favorites among the press can no longer stand to lie for him. That suggests the end is near for his Presidency."

It suggests this was all orchestrated. the AP were ordered to turn on Pedo jo. The Dark State continues to pull its strings, and Donald keeps being backed by a white hat dark state military alliance.

This is a kind of dark state/deep state civil war, before it was American Civil War 2.

The decision to get rid of Jo was cooked in since January 2021. Kama is another puppet or "heir" of darkness.

And the House of Windsor is still the pivotal link behind satanic human sacrifice and child trafficking.

This is a world wide evil network. This is not something a weakling like donald can fight.