The Flynn prosecution looks worse and worse

The notes the prosecution finally had to cough up, and even unseal, are deadly.


Grim said...

I eagerly await Judge Sullivan's response to all of this, once he has had time to digest it. Also Barr's.

Texan99 said...

More ugly dox:

douglas said...

I suspect it's just going to keep coming for a while too.
Notice that Comey and Brennan haven't tweeted for several days now? I wonder why that could be?

MikeD said...


One would assume they've finally retained competent legal counsel who has advised them that tweeting about an upcoming case is something idiots and teens would do. Tweets can and have been used in court to prove malice or lack of sincere regret during sentencing. Any good lawyer (one would assume) would tell you to never talk about something in a public space if you wouldn't want a judge to find out about it.