Common sense gun solutions


Grim said...

That's completely fair and reasonable.

Sam L. said...

Not to mention, ACCURATE.

ymarsakar said...

You wanna get red flagged, Justin?

There's a reason the ATF strong armed American gun sellers into forcing them to file off serial numbers and export them to Mexican drug cartels.

ymarsakar said...

In a sense, police and mayors and criminals are more closely connected than civilian citizens are educated or told.

In some cases, such as Chicago, there's not much difference between Demoncrats mayors, the police unions protecting college campuses, and the gangs preying on weaker factions. That's not a metaphor or an exaggeration. It's an alliance fact. They are in an alliance. Just check out when the Chicago police stands down from conservatives on Campus get attacked or harassed by Leftists. Or when Mayors use crime stats to get elected.