The Outlaw Saloon

This is a charming review of Dubois, Wyoming's best dive bar, as well as the other bar. I've been to the Outlaw Saloon and it is described much as I remember it. I liked the place. I never went in the other one. 

In just about a month I'll be back out West to visit my mother and sister, if any of you will be in the Wyoming/Idaho border region. Thos., I remember that you live out there. I'll be around for a couple of weeks. 


J Melcher said...

Tangential to the topic but: "Dive Bar"? I'm familiar with the usage "a dive" for the sort of run down and out-of-the-way place -- not necessarily one serving liquor -- inhabited by noir detectives and mooks; underbosses and pug-uglies; femme fatales, floozies, aging chanteuses and naive teens just off the bus... And of course one knows the bar. For me the term "Dive Bar" suggests a grass shack serving scuba enthusiasts, surfers, day sailors and David Hasselhoff- imitators their choice among Mai Tais, Mojitos and Pina Coladas. A "Biker Bar" is the sort of place where the ATF sends agents in to stir up violence and make bogus arrests. I suppose a noir detective these days might show up at a Biker Dive ...
Am I just reading you weird?

Grim said...

So, a "dive bar" is characterized by very cheap drinks, pool tables, a hard-drinking crew of regulars, and a lack of upscale features. My use is not specialized; Wikipedia says that "A dive bar is typically a small, unglamorous, eclectic, old-style drinking establishment with inexpensive drinks; it may feature dim lighting, shabby or dated decor, neon beer signs, packaged beer sales, cash-only service, and local clientele."

Many great biker bars are also dive bars. The Bobarosa Saloon is a cash-only biker bar on the French Broad River where the drinks are $1.50 cash for canned American beer. The Last Chance Saloon down near Walhalla is another, although it will take cards now. They both have pool tables and neon signs, and a campground/lodging option in case you just want to stay and drink and listen to the band and then not drive home. Both of these actually have pretty good food because they happened to source a good cook in one of the wives.

However, Mauhuffers down in Indian Rocks Beach is a dive but not a biker bar (although bikers do come there). It's got a junkyard and a wandering junkyard dog, several cats, probably thousands of dollar bills stapled to the walls and covered with graffiti, and many brasseries and panties hanging from the ceilings and lights. It has only drinks, no food, very loud music.

There are also biker bars that aren't dives. Suck Bang Blow down on Myrtle Beach in South Carolina has a fancy website, a clothing shop with $45 t-shirts, and food/drink prices more like an Applebees.

What you're calling a 'dive bar' as a bar for divers probably has a name, but I don't know it. I do like a good Tiki bar when I'm near a beach, though. It reminds me of the southern Philippines.