A Moment of Equality

For one brief shining moment, the Democratic Party treats its own just as shabbily as it treats everyone else. 
Multiple committee members on the call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being gaslighted.... Harrison offered what they described as a rosy assessment of Biden’s path forward. The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed.

Even the Inner Party eventually isn’t trusted.  

UPDATE: The first Democratic Congressman calls on Biden to withdraw.  


Gringo said...

Russia, Iran and China will see the time until January 20 as a window of opportunity to do things they could not get away with after January 20 if Trump is elected.

Grim said...

It’s a perilous window. On the one hand they might wait for the election, in case the corruption is sufficient to give them another four years of low pressure. On the other, they’ve got several months right now. Strike while the iron is hot!

E Hines said...

And plan carefully for sequences appropriate to whichever election outcome obtains. Two and a half months between election and installation of the election winner is plenty of time for action. Especially if election-related lawsuits are especially rancorous, and the streets are filled more so than they were in the interval the last time Trump won.

During those two months and a couple of weeks, too, regardless of who won the election, Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Austin, et al., will be too heavily focused on their "escalation management" idiocy to be able to mount any serious response. It won't be just the PRC, either. They'll work in concert with Iran. Russia may or may not be up to it vis-a-vis Ukraine.

Eric Hines

Towering Barbarian said...

I sincerely doubt there's any among them who didn't already know. It's not as though Mr. Biden was that sharp back in 2020, and every foreign leader has already had time to take his measure since then. It's just the general public that was in the dark.

In my opinion, it's if Mr. Biden or some other puppet Democrat gets re-elected that we will see the floodgates really open. 😓

Texan99 said...

Now that the Inner Circle includes, or perhaps is headed up by, Hunter Biden, the trust level that seemed to have reached rock-bottom may be tunneling to the Earth's core.

What else might they have been lying about? Per today's meme: "Man, journalists are going to be so surprised when they hear about all of Joe's shady business dealings."