The View from Europe

On a professional call this morning, the Europeans I was talking with -- it's afternoon for them -- had a lot to say about the debate last night. I had the restraint not to tell them what I thought of European opinions about how America governs itself.

I didn't watch the debate. I didn't need to watch it to know how I'm going to vote. However, it's clear that America's international position was badly weakened last night.


Anonymous said...

The debate did not matter

Bread and circuses 🤡

What matters when it comes to Americas international standing has been the piss poor performance of the most expensive and corrupt military this country ever had seen.

Look in the mirror Grim
See the failure and know your also responsible for the results as you spent your career there


Grim said...

If I'm partly responsible for the failure of the US military, I failed alongside many of the best men (and some women) I've ever known. There's no shame in that. Good people did our best together; but we aren't meant to be the masters of creation. We can only do our best together.

Now, being a yipping little eunuch like yourself, that's pretty shameful. Go away, and stop coming back.

Tom said...

I watched most of the debate because I thought it would be an historical event, and it was, at least to the extent that US presidential elections matter. Nothing important really happened between the two debating, but the world clearly seeing Biden's mental condition just changed the election. I think the Dems will pick a new candidate. Biden will be forced to withdraw, one way or another.

E Hines said...


How will the Progressive-Democratic Party change its candidate?

Who will force Biden to withdraw, and by what mechanism? Harris can't convene the Cabinet for a 25th Amendment proceeding, nor can she do other than veto a Cabinet vote outcome should the Cabinet be convened any other way, without presenting herself as an opportunistic vulture and poisoning whatever chance she might have at a political life after this term.

Jill Biden is no Edith Bolling, who at least made an effort, however badly, to govern while her husband was recovering from his stroke. The current FLOTUS is too enamored of her perks to be interested in acting in her husband's best health interests, and she's the only one who could persuade Biden to walk away.

Other candidates are remaining carefully silent or publicly supportive of Biden lest they eliminate themselves as ghouls or vultures.

Eric Hines

Tom said...

The Biden family have left a graveyard behind during Joe's political career. Someone knows where the bodies are buried, and they implicate people he and Jill care about.

Grim said...

Harris could do it. She may look like a vulture to some, but to others she'll look like a patriot doing the hard thing in order to save the nation at a moment of need. She'll certainly be painted that way by the press, who will still want her replaced as the candidate at the convention because she's not going to win any elections.

Tom said...

Of course, some states might make it difficult or impossible for Biden to withdraw. This could get messy.

douglas said...

"The Biden family have left a graveyard behind during Joe's political career. Someone knows where the bodies are buried, and they implicate people he and Jill care about."

I'd suspect Biden has collected his share of dirt on them over the years too. He didn't get where he is by accident, and he's certainly not stepping down. His whole life has been geared to this. I also don't see how they force him out without doing irreparable damage to the party (at least in regards to this election cycle, maybe longer).

Regardless, I know the worst thing to do would be to let up and assume he's already toast. Pedal to the metal, foot on neck, no letting up. This is the way.