99 Bottles

I realize it's very early in the workweek for this sort of thing, but I heard it today and it struck me how obvious it was to make this song -- yet no one had ever done it. We all know the old campfire / road-trip classic, and there are plenty of beers out there to sing about, so why not make an elaboration? Someone finally thought to do it, and it's kind of fun.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

"Road-trip classic." Yes, pining for the good old days, when children did intelligent things like that on a road trip, or maybe counting animals on your side of the car, in contrast to texting each other today.

Elise said...

Love it, Grim - thanks!

Gringo said...

This musical enumeration of beer brands reminds me of a song that enumerates many of the towns or cities of Texas. Bill Neely composes and sings : Never Left the Lone Star State. Back in the day, I heard him sing it live on radio. So I bought his CD.

Yes, it's hard to believe someone hadn't already done this to beer. There are plenty of beer songs praising a particular brand. Maybe not, but there are a number of songs about Shiner (Bock) Beer in Texas. Here is one. John Clay's Shiner Beer Song..

Speaking of doing something to stave off boredom on road trips, I am reminded of trips to the grandparents in the Midwest, where Burma Shave signs proliferated. The Interstate Highway system killed the Burma Shave signs.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

@ Gringo - it was a long way between groups of signs. I hope you had something else to do.

Gringo said...

AVI: Had to go close to a thousand miles before we got off the Interstates and saw Burma Shave signs. IIRC, the "something else to do" may have often had something to do with quarreling with siblings.

Tom said...

Well that's a great song. Thanks for posting it!