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Do yellow jackets get drunk? A social experiment:

UPDATE: Apparently. This one’s definitely not walking straight anymore, and I’ve had to fish him out twice after he fell in.


Tom said...

So, um ...

What do you do with a drunken insect?

Grim said...

🎵”Fish him out with an 8-inch Kabar…”🎵

Tom said...


Maybe he didn't fly off because he was being a responsible aviator and observing the "8 hours bottle to throttle" rule.

The Apocritans have been friendly lately. A bee landed on my arm at the Highland Games and just stayed there. I eventually, gently, shooed him away, only to discover that a wasp had attached itself to my shirt and was clinging there. He was asked to leave immediately, but still gently.

It was a windy day, so I assume they were sheltering.

Dad29 said...

Then "put him in the brig until he's sober, earlie in th'mornin'"

Christopher B said...

Sounds like the Irishman who drowned in a vat of whisky, and had to get out twice to relieve himself.

E Hines said...

Terrible. Where's PETA when we need 'em?

Except I have it on good authority that yellow jackets aren't particularly tasty animals, so maybe PETA doesn't care.

My father, though, wouldn't have fished out of his soda--"That's flavor."

Eric Hines