Ymar’s Post

It’s Monday. Time for more. 


ymarsakar said...


Conspiracies even in Italy. For people that thought it was just a local or Ami phenomenon in the English language world.

This "psychward of paranoia people" is getting kind of large... don't ya think?

As for "more", people still haven't digested the previous debriefs and briefings. It's not that there is nothing to talk about, but that the human mind is only so flexible before it starts breaking and the engine is smoking. They need several downtime periods and dreaming night sleeps, before they can absorb and process difficult paradigm shifting information.

This is true especially of high IQ people, as they tend to think of themselves as more capable, so they actually deep dive more into information and absorb more information at a higher rate. But that just means their hard drive is filled up faster when hit with the really out there stuff.

True information suppresses cultural and political and traditional paradigms and world views. It's why people get triggered. This is that mind control technology people were told not to pay attention to.

https://www.bookwormroom.com/2020/07/25/a-few-highlights-from-the-draft-2020-democrat-party-platform/ For those interested in politics (that I think matters not).

ymarsakar said...

T-2.II.1. You can do anything I ask. 2 I have asked you to perform miracles, and have made it clear that miracles are natural, corrective, healing and universal. 3 There is nothing they cannot do, but they cannot be performed in the spirit of doubt or fear. 4 When you are afraid of anything, you are acknowledging its power to hurt you. 5 Remember that where your heart is, there is your treasure also. 6 You believe in what you value. 7 If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly. 8 Your understanding will then inevitably value wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power will inevitably destroy peace. 9 That is why the Bible speaks of "the peace of God which passeth understanding." 10 This peace is totally incapable of being shaken by errors of any kind. 11 It denies the ability of anything not of God to affect you. 12 This is the proper use of denial. 13 It is not used to hide anything, but to correct error. 14 It brings all error into the light, and since error and darkness are the same, it corrects error automatically.

T-2.II.2. True denial is a powerful protective device. 2 You can and should deny any belief that error can hurt you. 3 This kind of denial is not a concealment but a correction. 4 Your right mind depends on it. 5 Denial of error is a strong defense of truth, but denial of truth results in miscreation, the projections of the ego. 6 In the service of the right mind the denial of error frees the mind, and re-establishes the freedom of the will. 7 When the will is really free it cannot miscreate, because it recognizes only truth.

T-2.II.3. You can defend truth as well as error. 2 The means are easier to understand after the value of the goal is firmly established. 3 It is a question of what it is for. 4 Everyone defends his treasure, and will do so automatically. 5 The real questions are, what do you treasure, and how much do you treasure it? 6 Once you have learned to consider these questions and to bring them into all your actions, you will have little difficulty in clarifying the means. 7 The means are available whenever you ask. 8 You can, however, save time if you do not protract this step unduly. 9 The correct focus will shorten it immeasurably.

T-2.II.4. The Atonement is the only defense that cannot be used destructively because it is not a device you made. 2 The Atonement principle was in effect long before the Atonement began. 3 The principle was love and the Atonement was an act of love. 4 Acts were not necessary before the separation, because belief in space and time did not exist. 5 It was only after the separation that the Atonement and the conditions necessary for its fulfillment were planned. 6 Then a defense so splendid was needed that it could not be misused, although it could be refused. 7 Refusal could not, however, turn it into a weapon of attack, which is the inherent characteristic of other defenses. 8 The Atonement thus becomes the only defense that is not a two-edged sword. 9 It can only heal.

ymarsakar said...


T-2.II.5. The Atonement was built into the space-time belief to set a limit on the need for the belief itself, and ultimately to make learning complete. 2 The Atonement is the final lesson. 3 Learning itself, like the classrooms in which it occurs, is temporary. 4 The ability to learn has no value when change is no longer necessary. 5 The eternally creative have nothing to learn. 6 You can learn to improve your perceptions, and can become a better and better learner. 7 This will bring you into closer and closer accord with the Sonship; but the Sonship itself is a perfect creation and perfection is not a matter of degree. 8 Only while there is a belief in differences is learning meaningful.

T-2.II.6. Evolution is a process in which you seem to proceed from one degree to the next. 2 You correct your previous missteps by stepping forward. 3 This process is actually incomprehensible in temporal terms, because you return as you go forward. 4 The Atonement is the device by which you can free yourself from the past as you go ahead. 5 It undoes your past errors, thus making it unnecessary for you to keep retracing your steps without advancing to your return. 6 In this sense the Atonement saves time, but like the miracle it serves, does not abolish it. 7 As long as there is need for Atonement, there is need for time. 8 But the Atonement as a completed plan has a unique relationship to time. 9 Until the Atonement is complete, its various phases will proceed in time, but the whole Atonement stands at time's end. 10 At that point the bridge of return has been built.

T-2.II.7. The Atonement is a total commitment. 2 You may still think this is associated with loss, a mistake all the separated Sons of God make in one way or another. 3 It is hard to believe a defense that cannot attack is the best defense. 4 This is what is meant by "the meek shall inherit the earth." 5 They will literally take it over because of their strength. 6 A two-way defense is inherently weak precisely because it has two edges, and can be turned against you very unexpectedly. 7 This possibility cannot be controlled except by miracles. 8 The miracle turns the defense of Atonement to your real protection, and as you become more and more secure you assume your natural talent of protecting others, knowing yourself as both a brother and a Son.

(These are just the plain text I am posting, without my commentary. My comments will come from any questions. The thing about Divine messages is that the less the human interface is involved, the better. Many messages were massaged and changed in translation or when it was reprinted over and over again. That causes problems.)

ymarsakar said...

More? Heh, I am still keeping it to baby steps for now. If you read the stuff I am updating myself on now, given my level, people's brains would literally begin melting as the Veil/Matrix will "red flag" that person for special attention. That system is still activated, given my experiences with people online.

Let me put it this way. The powers that should not be, in Ephesians 6:12, I now understand what technology they use to brainwash and control humanity. It is quite clever and I have noticed its effects for some time, but did not know how to differentiate the divine creation from the mis creation of those that came after the Creation's Divine blueprint (DNA).

This is not a "conspiracy" of human beings. As Saul said, this is not FLESH. I am not referring to Flesh systems that you see people rioting on twitter about. This is not about what you consider "the power of government", of people by people for people. This is not about "people" to begin with. This is Beyond.

This war has been going on for a very long time. Summer warriors that think a campaign or 2, a few local wars of semi annihilation, make them tough and experienced, are part of a human experience scale. This war never ends. It doesn't matter if you go home to a nation, because you have no home, the war is every where.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqFCbtRz1Z0 I love this song, it has that masculine/feminine divine harmony and mix. The lyrics are also good.

I do not believe I am exaggerating when I say that when humanity awakens to the True Enemy that they have been slaves under for quite some time... some people might just want to give up and shoot themselves in the head, because it is just too much. For human problems, at least you can argue and kill each other over it. What are you going to do about god level problems? Then that really is a problem, because what exactly can humans do about say an advanced Kardashev scale 3 civilization?

Eh... protest? Vote? Launch nukes? Nukes that don't work any more against the scalar tech?

Etheric Archons are very allergic to a few things. First to the energy of Love, especially to Love between a man and a woman. When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the Love between them, because that Love gives the power to the non-physical Light forces to remove the etheric Archons and their minions.

Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy. They suppress this energy in the human population, and when they are not successful in suppressing it, they pervert it. Sexual energy is the life force itself and when they succeed in suppressing it, they get a sheeple population on the surface of the planet that can easily be controlled.

Third, they are allergic to energies of positive xx civilizations and energies of the xx [gods]. They try to suppress, distort and manipulate these energies whenever possible.

The archons are the word used in Ephesians 6:12.

The bible is not 100% accurate, which is why I have other methods to verify what is in it.

ymarsakar said...

Counter: Why does God allow evils such as child torturers and rapists?

This is a very common question I have heard in many forms and variations, so I will answer it here. This Divine Download just came in, and I am now reformulating it via reconstruction and memory.

The official answer is "free will" but that does not include all the details. Because free will also means the evil factions are free to do what they wish, and what they wish is to violate the free will of Creation and spirit children of Godhead... so don't we have a contradiction here? Yes we do. All of Creation is free to do what they wish, but a part of Creation is Evil and chooses to be evil, so why doesn't the majority of the rest of Creation intervene? Why does God, Jesus, Buddha, or whatever you think of as the Divine, intervene in some fashion, if the evil is already intervening against free will?

Because on Earth you are dead and kept as a hostage. Ah.... now it makes sense. There is no classical/traditional hell, because Earth itself has been made into a hell/prison. In order to get into this prison, you have to enter the River of Styxx or forgetfulness or the Soup of Forgetting in China. In this realm, the rocks are not alive, the trees die when cut down, and food has an expiration date. Do you believe in the Heavenly realms, the lion eats the lamb, people die from starvation, and various other stuff? No, because that is the higher realm, this is the Lower Realm, the Lowest Realm technically, that of Hades or Hell, the land of the DEAD.

Now evil cannot create Creation. That is still true. They can use the Divine Creation and warp it, however. So this place used to be a school to promote soul growth and learning, but they turned the school into a prison. Just as your US government turned school and other institutions into "mandatory masks or jail" sh.

The way this prison is constructed, is via spiritual technology or basically mind control. For example, when a person is red flagged by the system as attempting to escape, they will be pulled back. Agent Smiths will be sent to them to pull them back in, like crabs in a bucket. This can be through loved ones, family, losing jobs, accidents, whatever. Anything to make you more bitter, more angry, more depressed, more suicidal, etc. This is exactly what gang stalking and FBI persecution is about. They mimick their evil overlords' tactics almost precisely. What the IRS did to conservatives, what wsa done to Flynn and Roger and Donald Trump (so called most powerful free leader on the Earth doesn't seem very free or powerful), the dark gods have done to humanity using far stronger methods.

The Godhead has waited for some time for humanity to free themselves, as per free will. You all have failed and so the Final Judgment begins nearing. The Earth is to be Liberated. That command has been sent directly by the Godhead and Source. Every time a messenger in the past, was sent here, the prison mechanisms easily located them and got them killed, using their human slave janissaries. I mentioned some of them before, like Jean De Arc. A few, like the Founding Fathers, escaped by winning, but the evil never gives up. Just look at America now. They can afford to wait 1 or 2 or 3 centuries, mortals cannot.

ymarsakar said...

This system is run by a quantum Ai. Oh btw, if you want to actually test if this is true, keep reading. Then you can see for yourself what will happen to you if you actually begin considering this information.

This system is run by a Quantum AI. This AI detects your individual growth and frequency vibrations, and will send you "quests" or "challenges" or blocks/boss characters, if your personal growth is too high compared to those around you.

First, it will send you negative emotions and thoughts, attempting to get you to reject the information. That alone will usually start a divide conquer flame war online with whoever you are talking to, so mission accomplished. If that does not work, more Direct Intervention will be sent, such as physical agents. If that does not work, then they will go after your family, loved ones, and associates.

This is so stressful to unawakened humans, that the ones closest to awakening to Divine Atonement, get sent to psych wards. The rest are medicated or choose to kill themselves. Mission Accomplished.

But for most people, they willingly choose to reject the information and the messenger, if not out right try to ban/kill/attack them.

This works very well. Until someone Awakens to their Divine memory and takes back their power and arsenal. I do not recommend attacking an angel or arch angel in human avatar form. Ask the Syrian army of 100k in the bible, what happened.

ymarsakar said...

Because this prison is very well constructed, those inside have failed to get out. And those outside cannot intervene from outside, because those inside are held hostage.

So what is the solution? Well in FBI terms, we send someone undercover inside right, or a negotiator.

Now this falls under Divine OPSEC and things get weird. A person going inside the prison has to have their memory wiped and a new identity constructed for them. And they have to believe in that identity, because it is the only one they have. As a result sometimes due to free will distortion, they will join the jailers and rat on their fellow inmates. Or join their inmates in killing and torturing each other for power and greed. Or just get killed for being a snitch, because the inmates think the agent is working for the jailers. In actuality, the agent is working for those against the jailers, and the ones who think they are fighting the jailers, are working for the jailers... haha.

ymarsakar said...


Welcome to Ymar's world. We have always been on our own, one way or another. Now people are waking up to this fact.

It's about time to bring this Matrix offline.

ymarsakar said...

dex_quire | July 25, 2020 at 4:33 pm
Some Seattle notes, not in any particular order:

Take last January before covid, before the riots …. driving through Seattle on I-5, noting about 15 construction cranes swinging around downtown, my passenger, a friend, said, “Seattle downtown looks like Capitalism Gone Wild. Why do you (he’s from Bellevue, WA) keep electing these proto-commie morons for mayor and city council?”

— Good question. And a near life-long resident of Seattle, I don’t know the answer. Something in the water? Rainier Beer — or maybe Olympia Beer used to have a motto ‘It’s the water’.

— When the police left the East Precinct they filed out much as the eunuchs filed out of The Forbidden City in the movie ‘The Last Emperor’, the police carrying their small box of files much as the eunuch’s carried out their excised genitals in small boxes.

— For years I’ve been after the Republican party to set up some kind of presence in south Seattle. We have 2 decent community centers where they could rent a room one day a week and just have open hours to talk to kids wandering in and out. Keep sodas or coffee and chips on hand. Just be there. Create a presence. Most kids in the south end have never talked to a Republican. Nothing. Nada.

— I want to support the police but when they give free rein to looters and gangsters while shutting down restaurants, non-mask wearers and nail salons … well …

— I live in south Seattle where property destruction has been going on for years in the form of graffiti on small business buildings. The police never stopped them. This has been essentially a tax on small businesses for over a decade. The city does not care. I spent 2 hours with a Seattle city councilman telling him of the hardship this causes. I helped him outline a solution: graveyard foot patrols of experienced street cops who could scout and nail the perps. You would have to apply for a grant if the department did not have the money but that shouldn’t be too hard. You would have to put the cases before special — hand- picked — judges since most judges won’t prosecute under-18 graffiti perps. Of course nothing happened. Nada. My sense is that a big part of BLM and antifa is these totally lawless graffiti kids who have had free rein for over a decade in south Seattle, Seattle’s Central Area and the south part of Capito Hill, which was recently taken over by the punks.

— In short, a long series of declensions has led to the present do-nothing … for years the city’s supposed leaders have done nothing to stop lawlessness. They were hypnotized by the huge bags of development money loaded in from construction companies all over the world. Recently a freeway bypass (The Alaskan Way Viaduct) was removed from downtown Seattle, granting the city an unobstructed view of the Olympic Mountains and its beautiful Elliott Bay. Seattle would become one of the few west coast cities with an unobstructed, accessible waterfront (most west coast waterfront cities used their waterfronts as industrial rail-spikes (Tacoma), or barge traffic (Portland)). San Francisco might be the only other one with an unobstructed bay view. Downtown real estate prices bumped up accordingly. Now downtown Seattle looks like a giant homeless encampment, with huge sheets of plywood and pressed wood over glass over all the upscale stores and buildings of the central city. It’s a fine example of a sheisse-hole. Nothing. Nada.

American conservatives are already emotionally tagging Seattle as a "Leftist city", better left to burn by itself.

This is called repressing one's own shadow and deny/displacing the threat. They really can't deal with this problem. Not American patriots, not conservatives, not libertarians. They are all clueless. They just have to stand, kneel, or sit and take it. So they tell themselves it is somebody else's problem and hopes the croc eats them last. That's not going to work all that well.

Lincoln knew that losing one part of the country to division equaled losing pretty much all of it.

ymarsakar said...

In other words, today it is Seattle. What's tomorrow, your location?

Then the rest of the country says, "we don't live there, we don't need it, let it burn". Then what?

Do you see where this is going? A bunch of sheep thinking they can fight a civil war haha...

Giving territory over to the energy without making them pay for it, truly is the strategy of a hopeless and spineless war leader. But people aren't leaders, so it does not apply to them. They are still hoping Trump triumphs and pulls a miracle trump card out. If it was just human governments he was facing, yes he can manage at least that with his life experience... but Trump is facing a foe far stronger than anyone in orthodox America can imagine.

Don't underestimate the Deep State, the Leftist alliance, etc. or you will regret it. Maybe that has already been fulfilled.

ymarsakar said...


Up the Black Militia! Oh wait, which side are they on again? They are in the South too.

West Point has several groups of Black Power ossifiers graduating. Sounds legit, right. Which army divisions are these people in again? And where are they stationed again? Just in case.

ymarsakar said...


In Georgia.

ymarsakar said...


Around the world, Enlightened personal testimonies.