The Quest for Philosophical Rigor

Drunk Frenchmen are psychopaths, which for some reason this study confuses with accurate philosophy.
His team found a correlation between each subject's level of intoxication and his or her willingness to flip the switch or push the person—the drunker the subject, the more willing he or she was to kill one hypothetical person for the sake of the hypothetical many.... There's a fabulous irony in the idea that drunk people are emotionally steeled rationalists who are willing to do whatever it takes to save lives. But Duke and his research partner, Laurent Bègue, aren't necessarily arguing that drunk people are ace philosophers and logicians; it's more that their findings challenge common assumptions about how people make decisions.
The trolly problem doesn't have a right answer. The point of it is to test moral intuitions, which we find differ. Some people really believe that the right thing to do is to take the action that will save the most people. But not everyone believes that. Some people have a deep intuition that they are personally responsible for killing the one innocent that they have taken a positive action to kill, but not responsible for the accident that will happen if they do nothing. They feel that their clear moral duty is to do no evil.

The question is suddenly more urgent, since we are starting to think about how to program robot self-driving cars. But the idea wasn't to come to a solution; it was to explore differences in how we think about the problem. Those who are increasingly unconcerned about causing harm in the pursuit of some ideal are not necessarily the best moral thinkers.


Tom said...

In vino veritas?

Grim said...

Age quod agis.

Ymar Sakar said...

To save the many, humans will wipe out the weak and few.

In contrast, other humans will wipe out anyone in front, to save only a few.

Ymar Sakar said...

They're generally missing the problem of scales. In order to save the many, the powers of specialized warriors and scholars are required. But generally, those individuals are preyed upon by stronger and more numerous groups. They may also be working for said raider groups. To save humanity, requires saving the great super majority of people, which means that each time a life is sacrificed, the power used to save people is diminished.

By conquering other organizations and utilizing their firepower as one's own strength, like Alexander or Sun Tzu, the ability to take on greater challenges becomes manifest.

The Leftist alliance operates on entropic and thus reversal SOPs. They reverse cause and effect. The effect of inequality creates the injustice as a cause, so they cause more injustice hoping to address the effect of inequality. A normal timeline would be changing the injustice to change the amounts of inequality.

To enemies of humanity, the result of human conflict and strife is actually the original sin in the Messiah's Leftist death cult dogma. It's not why wars are started that is the problem, it's how they are resolved. Thus in order to justify a Deus Ex Machina, they must continue to start wars and figure out how they can be resolved or prevented. Meanwhile, every fanatic on the Left's side and their Islamic Jihad's side sneakingly acknowledges that only a Divine Power has the ability to reverse cause and effect. The End Times. God's Kingdom becoming the cure for human kingdoms and their corruption.

America is not a republic or democracy, but more like a theocracy equal to Iran now a days. The theocracy of the Left. People who thought the Left were some pissant weaklings flaying at politics and war were... surprised at this. It wasn't what they expected. The Left told them that this wasn't so, that this wouldn't be so, that the Left were atheists or at least neutral to religion. They were told that policies were not designed to eliminate competing religions.

They were told a lot of things they believed, as the lowly mark believes everything.

To save humanity, the Left will wipe out, destroy, and then remake humanity. That is a result of faith and belief.

To save the world from the Left, every member of the Left must be wiped from the face of this planet. By becoming the effect of all things evil, any human organization can manifest as the avatar of the cause, the origin point from which all evil flows.

America was once a republic, until people allowed the Left to make it into a democracy. America was once a democracy until the Americans allowed the Left to make it into a theocracy. America became the Obamanation, now it is the Obolanation. Soon it will be an abomination on the face of this Earth that all good and righteous humans will have to fight against, the New Slave Empire.

It was never a choice of fighting the Left or staying neutral. Once the Left achieves critical mass, the entire world will come to destroy America, whether from the outside in or from the inside out, as army ants eat a crab.

Do not underestimate the power of evil.