Banana Republic

Chiquita held responsible for killings by the guerrilla groups that they bankrolled. If this keeps up, we will all end up paying for our crimes. 


Anonymous said...

So the corporate board of directors have been charged and convicted of murder?

Grim said...

Oh no, of course not. They just paid cash.

Anonymous said...

It is good to know the crimes of our fathers. It is also good to know how >a culture< already conditioned to community and sharing >with a strong leader as its head< could be driven into the arms of Marxism.

Spoken as the unapologetic capitalist that I am.

Having said that, capitalism has saved more lives over the last century than Marxism/Socialism/Communism has murdered, it's not even close.

Life can be complicated ;-)

Grim said...

I haven’t killed any Commies, but I’m not upset with anyone who did. That said, a lot of what happened was probably like what happened in Iraq; some people get killed who shouldn’t have. Lord have mercy on we who bore the sword.

Grim said...

Probably prayers are exempted from the rule of getting the grammar exactly right, but "have mercy on we" versus "have mercy on us" is bothering me.