Las Vegas

The weather is nice in the Mojave right now. I’m in town for a few days on business, if any of you happen to be out this way. 

The worst place on Earth.


douglas said...

So close yet so far- My In-laws live there, and we visit as often as can manage, but right now I could not- My father is in hospital after a stroke ten days ago.

Grim said...

Wouldn’t wish Vegas on such a nice guy.

Grim said...

How is your father doing?

douglas said...

Sorry to leave this hanging for so long. He's a a tough old bird, doctors had no hope for him, but he's hanging on, and showing small signs of improvement day by day. Was intubated, but got that out and a trach put in, and can swallow, and cough, and we weren't even sure of that when he was intubated. Some movement but he's going to have problems, but he just might hang around for a while longer- and I'm sure he's doing it to hold on for Mom. They used to talk about how they originally used to think they'd each want to die before the other to spare the other and let them live, but later they both realized they would want to invert that so as to spare the other the grief. I think he's driven to uphold that promise/desire. He's done his job, otherwise, and he's a content man. That's the one last purpose I think.

Vegas (and surrounding areas- Red Rocks, Mt. Charleston, and others) is actually pretty nice when you stay away from the hubub of the strip.