Atlanta had Major Irregularities in 2020

Fulton County Election Board member Mark Wingate's testimony doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know: there were more voters registered in Fulton County than the whole population of the county, the mail-in ballots were totally unsecured, there were never chain of custody documents as required by law, video surveillance of the outdoor drop boxes didn't exist, etc., etc. 

The absentee ballot signature matching was nonfunctional and that legal requirement was simply set aside, which we knew was a problem because the lawsuits back in 2020 drew the line at any actual signature matching being done in any audits. 

Estimated dodgy ballots in that county? About a hundred thousand. The margin of victory, allegedly, was 11,779.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

It matters to have people keep pursuing things like this, even when they no longer have practical significance. Without that, people just give up, as they did in places like Romania in the 80s.

Dad29 said...

AVI, I think that this DOES have 'practical significance.' It demonstrates that the Georgia Sec/State and Governor (not to mention several Fulton County officials) are crooks and liars.

Will it remedy the farce of '20? No.

But it certainly points to people who should be driven from office. If they can't take the polite hints, well........

Grim said...

Also something that was already known; I published an article in 2018 with American Greatness pointing out that the system they'd set up in Georgia was absolutely ripe for fraud. I have every confidence that the Republican governor gave the nod to help kill Trump's election chances, as the establishment fears him a lot more than they do the Democrats.