Rumble Test

 What can I do to post a randomly selected Rumble video?

Here's the URL, copied from the address field of my browser: But that's not the video itself, only a path to it.

Here's the blogger's video embed effort: oops--can't do it. The blogger facility only allows "Upload from computer" or from YouTube in particular.

Maybe the problem isn't unique to Rumble. Maybe it's that Alphabet allows embeds only from Alphabet's wholly owned video facility or from personal equipment.

Eric Hines


Tom said...

Yeah, the answer is C: ignore the video upload icons, switch the Blogger interface to HTML, and paste in the embed script from Rumble.

Of course, the script is invisible, so you're best off doing any comments in HTML formatting as well so they'll show up at their proper places.

Grim said...

Yeah, Blogger very inconsistently works with embed code from anything but YouTube. Sometimes Tom's suggest works -- I haven't tried Rumble. Sometimes even that doesn't work.

E Hines said...

...ignore the video upload icons, switch the Blogger interface to HTML, and paste in the embed script...

I didn't even do that to get the URL itself posted. I just used the default (for me, anyway) text-based Compose option and copy-pasted the URL from my browser's address field. If the URL itself is too long (and some of them are very long), bitly ( ) does a fine job of "abbreviating" them.

I've never tried the HTML option, so that test never occurred to me.

Eric Hines

Tom said...

Give it a whirl, if you like, and let's see if the video shows up.