May Day

I hope you find the Cathedral of May to be glorious. Memento mori, and enjoy your time here. 

UPDATE: Conan’s Maypole. 


Texan99 said...

We saw two tiny twin fawns yesterday, no bigger than a large cat, barely able to walk. We're also in the middle of an unusually nice spring songbird migration, with painted and indigo buntings, orioles, tanagers, grosbeaks, and warblers we don't see much of at other times of the year. They just pass through, giving us a better look whenever the north wind inspires them to fall out here near the coast for a short rest before heading on up to their breeding grounds.

Tom said...

Happy May Day, all!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

T99, please come over for my "Masking Demographics" post. The comment section is fairly screaming for you.