Travel Guide

I've been to quite a few of the red areas on this new map of the world's most dangerous destinations.

Not all of them, to be sure. Road trip!


Ymarsakar said...

The most dangerous place on the world is when your transit hits the house of death on your natal charts.

Larry said...

Count me in, Grim.

raven said...

Do they have good coffee? Cold beer? I won't drink the water....
A boyhood reading everything I could find about early African exploration left me with a horror of parasites.
That jarred my memory a bit- readers here at the Hall may be interested in this man- a good man to have around when things get sideways.

I came across him when doing some research on Lord Roberts. BTW, Roberts autobiography is on line- "41 Years in India"

Back to Africa- the Biography of Sir Samuel Baker is really interesting- he purchased his wife at a Ottoman slave market - she was his devoted companion for the rest of his life. Pre-colonial Africa was a daunting place.

For the prize for an interesting life, Henry Stanley was right up there- orphan, stowaway, soldier in the American civil War (on both sides!)newspaperman, explorer, etc. His Trip down the Congo was (I am searching for a adjective.....!)

Here- just read the dispatches-