Well, It's Almost Friday ...

Grim introduced us to Mr. Fowler recently. Here's one that seems appropriate after Range 15, and, well, everything else.

Now, a little Tullamore DEW would be perfect.


Update: Well, why stop with just one?



Grim said...

Heh! "Beer, Bait, and Ammo" is an old favorite.

Grim said...

Also, a great description of Leon's Country Store, not all that far down the highway from where I grew up. At one point you could buy beer, bait, and not just ammo but a new .38 if you wanted. These days they have added a Post Office.

Tom said...

Yeah, it's funny, but I know quite a few of his songs. I just didn't know his name until you posted the "Sellout Song" video. You can listen to 5 of his albums via Amazon Prime, if you have it.

Grim said...

By the same token, I didn't connect him to these earlier pieces.

Is it sad that "Sellout Song" is actually my favorite one of the genre? He's constructed a critique that is all the more forceful because he demonstrated that he could reproduce the standards not only accurately, but excellently.

Tom said...

Yes, you're absolutely right about "Sellout Song." That said, the very pop country he's lampooning was my gateway to the good stuff, so I can't hate it. I don't listen to it much anymore, but I still like some of it.