We have a longstanding cultural prohibition against men using violence on women. I strongly approve of that cultural prohibition. MMA star Ronda Rousey once refused to fight a man in her weight class because, as she rightly put it, “I don’t think it’s a great idea to have a man hitting a woman on television." There are very good reasons that we accept this limit on equality -- which is only informal and partial, since formally the law forbids men to hit other men, too, even though juries often make exceptions where it was clearly appropriate.
The formal structures seem to endorse, rather than brake, this kind of conduct from credentialed 'administrators.' That's a problem for which we have no good cultural solutions.
Those harpies made their bed, let them lie in it. They are no more feminine than
Evil has no gender.
WIthout minimizing the burden of removing children from public schools and arranging for private tuition or homeschooling, I still see no other option for people whose children turn out to be trapped in one of these cesspools. They're children. We're adults. They cannot be sent daily to these places just because it's customary.
We have a longstanding cultural prohibition against men using violence on women. I strongly approve of that cultural prohibition.
Well, wasn't there some tradition of leaving this sort of justice to the women of the community? I don't have a problem with the mothers dealing with the offenders however they see fit.
Realistically, though, Tex is right.
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