A Gentle Suggestion

Lord Blackstone defined "gentlemen" as those "qui arma gerit," meaning, "who bear arms." Perhaps it's time to gentle your condition, as Shakespeare tells us Henry V once said.


Thomas Doubting said...

That's a start. They also need a single-document written constitution like ours. Ours has been bent, folded, spindled and mutilated over the last two centuries, but it's served us much better than their apparently nearly infinitely flexible unwritten constitution.

E Hines said...

When they write their single-doc constitution, it also would behoove them to elevate their judiciary to level coequal with their Parliament and do away with Parliamentary Supremacy.

Eric Hines

Assistant Village Idiot said...

As I have said about America, so there as well: "Threat to democracy" means "threat to our rulership." All the contradictions in their sentences make sense once you know that, and many are even true! We are a threat to that kind of "democracy."

Christopher B said...

As Thomas notes, the biggest problem is their most sovereign body is subject to the whims of public opinion with no real way to reel in its excesses. Opinions on the Constitution may change but at least you can't change the text.

Thomas Doubting said...

Yes. At the least, the judiciary needs to be able to strike down unconstitutional laws and protect the people from legislative abuses.

Thomas Doubting said...

It's not just the whims of public opinion, but also whatever fashionable nonsense is going around the expert class at any given moment.