Rasmussen: Biden did not win Georgia in 2020

So they say, citing the ongoing refusal by Fulton County to comply with open records laws and lawsuits demanding the unsealed ballots. 

This is something that was obviously true for me as a longtime resident of Georgia who has been writing about its election fraud problem since 2018. Some would rather not continue to discuss this, but as they point out election security is an ongoing issue. It's not like any of the problems were fixed. Work is ongoing on several fronts, but it's also important that the truth gets out. People need to understand that the government isn't legitimate if the elections aren't legitimate: you owe no loyalty to a government that was imposed upon you by fraud or force.

UPDATE: Rasmussen wasn't done.
Let's Review: Georgia 2020 Trust Deficit
Forensic audit blocked
100 drop boxes lack surveillance videos
20K ballot images - vanished
13 election routers - vanished
10 Dominion tabulators - vanished
148,000 Fulton Cty Mail-ballot signatures unverified

Nor yet done:

Georgia: No records were created capturing 148,000 2020 mail-in ballot outer envelope signatures for matching to Fulton County records because their new electronic sig verification equipment - wasn't used.

Here the wording is actually "Nothing was scanned, your honor." Uh Oh 

Nor yet:
We have an electronic verification system, but we didn’t use it.
We have records of voter signatures, but we didn’t use them.
We could check our records for you, but it would take forever.
Aside from that, judge, is there anything else you’d like?


Mike Guenther said...

I read something a few days ago that a woman who worked at the state election commission in Georgia, has been trying for several months to clean the voter rolls. She said it was like riding a stationary bike. As fast as she cleared out bad voter information, either dead or moved out of state, voters registered in more than one county, ECT., the rolls she had cleared "reinstituted " themselves, as if she hadn't done anything at all.

Grim said...

Yeah, that story is the second link in this piece.

Mike Guenther said...

That's what I get for not checking the links in a quick read through.