"...And It Has to Stop."

Also from the same fellow, a video clip of Kamala Harris calling for an end to free speech and freedom of the press, at least for social media. See if you read it differently.

"He has lost his privileges and it [X.com] should be taken down.... The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight, or regulation, and that has to stop."


Texan99 said...

Good heavens, speaking directly to our own captive audience? Off with his head.

Texan99 said...

A search for the source of this clip took me to a WSJ article pointing out that it's from 2019 and refers to Trump's ability to speak to millions of people without proper censorship by the right-thinking people. RFK and Musk are, of course, correct to worry about what this creature would do in 2025 if she gains the White House.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

As opposed to the White House speaking to millions without oversight? Sauce. Goose. Gander.

Grim said...

That's the problem with Twitter; it sounded like this was meant to be contemporary. I should have known better, though, because she would never make such a lengthy statement to a reporter at this time.