Nicole Shanahan and Political Sabotage

This is part of a Twitter interview with RFK Jr's vice-presidential running mate Nicole Shanahan. Her description of the different ways the Democratic Party sabotaged their campaign is rather shocking, at least to me.


Grim said...

I'll tell you another thing the DNC does. I went up to Philadelphia to protest the DNC's anti-democratic coronation of Hillary Clinton that year, and spent time outside the place among the protesters. There will be activists combing the protest crowds and identifying the ones who look most radical, then bringing them in if they can to a centralized meeting -- apparently I look pretty radical; ours was at the Methodist church nearby -- to try to get them roped into a unified protest effort.

That centralized protest is then fully informed on to the police, and directed into what amounts to an ambush in a location well away from media cameras. It's just another way the DNC has learned to control even its own internal Democratic opposition.

Naturally I did not attend the ambush, which was an obvious set up from my perspective. A lot of them did, though, the ones who were most likely to have otherwise been effective at protesting DNC perfidy.

Grim said...

Jill Stein says they're doing it to her Green Party too.