
That is what one of the NYT's top opinion authors is telling their readers about the new plan for price controls. Bret Stephens, in a conversation with Gail Collins:
The best thing that can be said about her promise to go after price “gouging” is that she knows it has no hope of passing and that she understands that every serious economist on the planet will warn her that the consequences of price controls would be shortages, hoarding and, soon enough, black markets. In fact, my only hope for Harris is that her agenda is for campaign purposes only and that she’ll become a normal Democrat once in office....

I just think that a vote needs to be earned, and so far Harris — unlike Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden — has done absolutely nothing to earn mine. She hasn’t won a primary. She hasn’t had a major legislative achievement of her own. She hasn’t had a distinguished vice presidency. Instead of moving to the center with her veep pick, she moved further to the left with Tim Walz. Her signature economic proposal isn’t liberal; it’s lunatic. 

Emphasis added. 

Long-time blogger Vodkapundit thinks the point of the proposal isn't to win with it, but to introduce the idea of a socialist takeover of the economy so that it won't seem so wild and strange later. That's possible, but the Times is not doing much to pad the idea here -- and as we saw last week, the other big establishment newspaper is heatedly against it.

The DNC is this week. We'll see how that goes.


E Hines said...

My own take on Harris' price controls move, for what it's worth, and it's corroborated (I claim) by the amount of press it's getting compared to her other proposed policies, is that she proposed price controls in order to distract from the other really destructive economic and border policies she's put on offer, in an effort to increase the likelihood of at least some of those getting passed into law.
Eric Hines

Anonymous said...

My hope for the DNC is that it is quiet, that all the protests start and remain peaceful, and that it is considered quietly successful.

I'm also with Eric that tossing out "price controls" is a deflection from what might slide into the platform or VP Harris' campaign promises.


Christopher B said...

This position again confirms that Democrat voters expect Democrat politicians to outright lie about their planned actions once elected to office.