It Is Saturday

According to, the Navy has run out of pants.

Since we're here, Don McMillan seems like a comedian some of us can relate to.

Update: McMillan has a short skit on pi that's great.


Grim said...

I do know that guy. It's rare to find someone who can make funny engineering jokes.

Gringo said...

It's rare to find someone who can make funny engineering jokes.
When I was an engineering student, there was an unintended joke in an engineering student magazine. The article purported to refute the stereotype of engineers being bland, unexciting types. The refutation consisted of profiling an engineer who volunteered as a school crossing guard. That got a laugh from us.

Don McMillan discussed the path to becoming a computer security consultant, which he said by normal routes takes 20 years. By contrast, he said, this path to computer security consultant takes only 2 years.
Security consultant

Circa 1980, my sister's stepson hacked into his high school's computer system. IIRC, he may have changed some grades. He got caught. I forget the details of how he got caught. Maybe he told the school ? The school's response was to hire him as a computer security consultant. Saved him a criminal record, and got the high school a computer security consultant at a good price.

The stepson went on to a productive career in computer software.

I had never heard of Don McMillan. He's good.

Tom said...

See, I thought implying that the Navy had run out of pants because it was Saturday would get a chuckle, but I think I botched the punchline.