
Dad29, who is having a lot of trouble with the recent commenting problems from Google, would like to draw your attention to this article on Heresy.

The basic idea is that heresy is the removal of one of the planks of a systematic understanding of the world; Newtonian physics is an example. So too Euclidean geometry, which in fact we know is false. Well, and Newton's physics also. 

So on this model heresy isn't necessarily wrong or even a mistake; it could be a step forward towards a better system. Yet it isn't obviously so; it could just be a new error.

Selah, as they say.


sykes.1 said...

It's hard to understand why you think Euclidean geometry is false. It's a rigorously derived set of theorems from a defined set of axioms. Other axioms yield other geometries. But all such systems are true. Moreover, we know the universe is flat, and that Euclidean geometry describes it.

As to Newton, Newtonian mechanics is the limiting case for both General Relativity and quantum field theory, and, in fact, nearly all civil and mechanical engineering is done using Newtonian mechanics.

There are deep problems between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell' theory of electromagnetism, which is why we have the other theories, but these don't show up in most day to day stuff, GPS being the main example.

Grim said...

"Moreover, we know the universe is flat..."

Yes, that's what Kant thought too. Spacetime is curved, though, which throws the whole thing off.

Euclidean geometry is coherent and logical, but it doesn't accurately describe the world as intended. It's neat, it's worth learning, and it's useful for a lot of practical purposes. If you mistake it for truth, however, you've made a mistake.

J Melcher said...

In Euclid's defense, I would suggest plane geometry works remarkably well for pedestrians.

james said...

When you lay out a country road system based on a square Euclidean grid, every now and then you have to put a little correction into the road.

E Hines said...

It's a rigorously derived set of theorems from a defined set of axioms.
Euclidean geometry is internally consistent. That doesn't make it true. It does happen to be useful, from an engineering perspective, in a very narrow corner of the universe--the small part we inhabit over freakishly small (compared to the age of the universe and even just our planet) spaces and ages.
Spacetime isn't even smoothly curved; it's rife with varying-sized dimples caused by masses of varying sizes.
Eric Hines

RonF said...

Like all other systems, Newtonian physics and Euclidian geometry are approximations to reality. In their particular cases they are close enough approximations to serve for nearly all practical purposes. If you do not learn Newtonian physics and Euclidian geometry you will have a hard time understanding observable natural phenomena as well as systems of physics and geometry that are closer approximations in the limited cases that Newtonian physics and Euclidian geometry do not suffice for.

Anonymous said...


Dad did talk about Islam as being one of Belloc's "Seven Great Heresies back in February.....

Here is the link