Fire Fighting Flyers

 This looks like fun!


raven said...

Notice the roll cage?! Looks like an adaptation of an aerial applicator plane.

Wayne Johnson said...

It is an adaptation of an aerial applicator plane (crop duster).

The Fire Boss is an Air Tractor 802 agricultural plane on floats, modified for scooping and dumping.

Tom said...

Thanks for that info, Wayne.

The Wikipedia article on the Air Tractor 802 is interesting.

Not only is it used for crop dusting (where most of them are employed) and fire fighting, but the US armored some up in 2008 for COIN operations, the AT-802U. That configuration has "engine and cockpit armor, a bulletproof windscreen, self-sealing fuel tanks, and structural reinforcements". It's been used for counter-drug operations as well.

The UAE went one further and put 2.75" rockets and guided bombs on 10 of them and used them until 2015, then sold them to Jordan and Yemen.

USSOC is apparently buying 75 of them to replace the U-28A. It fits an intel / surveillance / recon mission, but also has rockets, guided bombs, and missiles. This version is designated the OA-1K Sky Warden.