Grim’s Egg Bites

Speaking of the chickens, here’s a breakfast dish I’ve developed because of the surplus of eggs. This dish quickly uses up eight. The three of us eat all eight in one sitting, my wife taking two, three each for my son and I. 

It’s a quick recipe to pull together. 

Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease the muffin baking tin; line with small, street-taco size tortillas.* Add one-half slice American** cheese, then one tsp. sausage***. Crack one egg into each. Sprinkle with herbs,**** and then bake for 20 minutes. 

* They come out nice and crispy this way, but a better version can be made with pastry. It’s more trouble, and this is intended to be a quick breakfast food. Do what you prefer. 
** Or any melting cheese; today I am out of American cheese, so I’m using Swiss. 
*** I use raw Hot Tennessee Pride. You can use anything. It cooks in the same time as the eggs. I tested this with a meat thermometer the first few times to be sure. You may substitute cooked sausage if you want. 
**** This step plus the choice of sausage/cheese gives easy variations: you could use Mexican oregano, chipotle, chorizo and Queso Chihuahua for a Mexican flavor, or Italian sausage, mozzarella, and basil for an Italian flavor. 


Anonymous said...

I may have to try that some morning. Thank you.


Grim said...

You are certainly welcome. By the way, I like to try to crack the eggs with unbroken yolks because I like baked eggs that way, but you can also scramble the eggs in a bowl if you like that better and just pour 1/8th in each cup. If the yolk is broken, I find that the egg bite is still just fine.

Protein's important, especially in men who are older. Eggs are a good source, but of course lean beef has big advantages.

Tom said...

This looks pretty good. I'll have to try it.

Texan99 said...

We love eggs. I like "birds in a nest," basically eggs and any kind of greens. Arugula, bacon, and eggs are particularly good.

Just about any omelette is terrific.