Was the Georgia Election Stolen?

Roger Stone, a man with a tattoo of Nixon on his back, suggests that it was. Hot Air is gravely upset at the suggestion:

Brian Kemp didn’t steal the 2022 election from Stacey Abrams. The truth is that rightly or wrongly Kemp believes that Trump lost Georgia fair and square and is unwilling to lie about it. Guess what? Lying is a bad trait, and while common enough in politics it is hardly something to be admired. How many of us hate politicians because they are a bunch of liars? Count me in that camp.... it is just... disgusting. Every Trump “influencer” repeats the same tired lines about Trump’s opponents and regurgitates the most fanciful and slanderous attacks.

I don't know if the 2022 election was stolen, but it was a repeat contest from an election in 2018 that I actually voted in. That election was as shady as it was possible for an election to be; I've written about it in detail (scroll to "Georgia"). I don't have any confidence at all that Kemp isn't cheating in every election, because his behavior in that one was absolutely disgraceful. The system they had in place was perfect for fraud, too, lacking any capacity to be audited because there were no actual ballots to check it against. 

Hot Air points out that Kemp won by 300,000 votes, which you might think was outside the margin of fraud. The un-auditable system they  had in 2018 was replaced with another vote system, Dominion, at the order of a Federal court. Yet over 400,000 votes in Georgia's 2020 election lacked chain of custody, which was 67% of the 'drop box' votes. That election was decided by 12,000 votes.

Ultimately the establishment remains invested in assuring us that our elections are reliable and, therefore, that they justify and legitimate the power of the elected. I don't believe that anymore, and I definitely don't believe it in Georgia's case particularly. Anything Kemp and his ilk are in charge of is is untrustworthy, as they have proven by their own actions. 


Anonymous said...

I agree 100%

Assistant Village Idiot said...

"Stole it fair and square" is the operative thought, I believe. Kennedy stole West Virginia and Illinois in 1960. Kerry stole Wisconsin in 2004. Kansas City and Philadelphia are always hugely stolen in order to provide cushion against the rest of the state. Atlanta is stolen without regard to national interests, because the local elections are the ones that people care about. Those are opaque to the rest of us.

So what do we make of that? Do we say well, it is always that way, nothing to see here, move along? or do we regard it as This time they've gone too far! This is the election where we finally make the scoundrels accountable!

I honestly do not know the answer to that. The Trump supporters would say the latter and are irate and unwilling to even listen to others on the topic. Libertarians with a sense of history will point to the complex interactive corruptions and say this is not the hill to die on.

A wise man recently said in a post The Athenian Way "...this is bootless because the system is too corrupt at this stage to be reformed," though that was about a broader topic than just elections.

Pick a side. I think I could argue you to a standoff either way. The Trumpists are at least partly idiots*. The jaded conservatives are at least partly too tired and cowardly. Peace, dude. (Holds up two fingers.) We were privileged to share in one of the great eras in the history of mankind, for even if we were Jewish, or black, or immigrants, or whatever, our day at least started to come, hoisted up on the American ideals, for a brief, shining, moment.

It is passing away and people are furious, having arrived late to The War. I graduated (barely) from an elite (hah) Mid-Atlantic college in the mid-70s and already knew that I was raising my children in a post-Christian America. They are 40 now. The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on. Teach the few against the day of oppression, some to fight, some to bury in deeply for the return, some to simply pray and be generous.

*Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Gringo said...

Regarding the 2020 election, here is a quote from Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mules:

"True the Vote’s investigation began in Georgia, where a whistleblower came forward and admitted that he had made $45,000 trafficking 4,500 votes at $10 apiece. Quoting from True the Vote’s complaint submitted November 30, 2021, to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger:

True the Vote’s contracted team of researchers and investigator spoke with several individuals regarding person knowledge, methods and organizations involved in ballot trafficking in Georgia. One such individual, hereafter referred to as John Doe, admitted to personally participating and provided specific information about the ballot trafficking process. This information was provided under agreement of anonymity.

John Doe described a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that worked together to facilitate a ballot trafficking scheme in Georgia. John Doe claimed to have been one of many individuals paid to collect and deliver absentee ballots during the early voting periods of the November 2020 general election and the January 2021 runoff election. While acknowledging that others might view his actions as inappropriate, John Doe did not seem to understand the unlawful nature of this conduct nor that it might constitute organized criminal activity. John Doe’s perception was that he had been hired to do a job and it was appropriate to be paid for the services rendered.

John Doe’s assignment included collecting ballots, both from voters in targeted neighborhoods and from NGOs that had their own ballot collection processes, delivering those ballots to other NGOs, picking up designated ballot bundles from the same group of NGOs, and depositing ballots into drop boxes spanning six counties in the metro Atlanta area. Each drop box delivery would typically include between 5 to 20 ballots. John Doe described a payment validation process which involved taking cell phone pictures of the drop box where ballots were deposited. Participants were compensated, typically at a rate of $10 per ballot. John Doe stated he had been paid directly by one of these NGOs.2

Evidently Raffensperger’s investigators are trying to find John Doe. Knowing they are looking for him, John Doe has gone underground. He made it clear from the outset that he didn’t want to be part of any criminal investigation because of the dangers it would pose to him, both of criminal prosecution and, even if he made a deal with the state, of being targeted by the other mules, who now stand to be exposed and prosecuted, and by the criminal enterprise that hired him in the first place.

Yet while this mule refused to come forward publicly, he did meet several times with True the Vote investigators, and he did help the organization to formulate its methodology for its five-state investigation. Based on what Gregg and Catherine had learned in Yuma, Arizona, and what the Georgia whistleblower told them, they had an idea of how the mule operation worked and what to look for.

So the group’s investigation began in Georgia and then moved on to Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. True the Vote decided to focus only on the egregious cases, mules stopping by multiple activist organizations and going to at least ten drop boxes. This obviously meant they would undercount the magnitude of fraudulent votes, but they decided to focus on clear violations in counties that could have changed the electoral outcome.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Remember also P.J. O'Rourke's book Don't Vote: It Just Encourages the Bastards

Dad29 said...

In Wisconsin, we KNOW that no one has run an audit of any size comparing 'signature on file' with 'signature on drop-box ballot.' None. Zero.

Yet Our Betters--including a leading Libertarian/Conservative public-advocate lawfirm, the Speaker of the Assembly, and that Speaker's appointee to the Wisconsin Election Commission--all tell us that the election was just fine and only "conspiracy theorists" believe otherwise.

We also KNOW that "smurfs" donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaign of (D) Gov. Tony Evers and (ABORTO-BARBIE) Justice Protasiewicz. Those contributions, usually in the $3.00-$15.00 range, are easily found on the campaign finance reports. Only trouble is that the "smurfs" deny ever making said contributions. This is something O'Keefe caught several months ago and is mentioned again, in detail, in the Georgia Record.

Those were laundered-money gifts brokered through Act Blue or another similar entity. The money may have come from ultra-large US donors, or--equally likely--from Wyss or Soros--or Xi Jinpeng. Who knows?

Grim said...

"Pick a side. I think I could argue you to a standoff either way."

I'm just trying to speak the truth, which ironically is what the Hot Air author says he wants. I'm not really arguing for a policy, just trying to lay out what I think is true about the world. Just because it's broken doesn't mean it can be fixed, but at least we should speak honestly about the truth that it's broken.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Yup. That's the first thing.