Death Fixes Everything

In Canada, the health care system has been pushing euthanasia as a cost-cutting solution on patients with expensive care. In Georgia, we have now a similar solution on offer. "Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs.”

Perhaps it’s all that New World fresh air and pioneering spirit, but Canada is taking to its new euthanasia legislation like a duck to water. It only became legal in June and already about 800 people have received a lethal injection at the hands of a doctor.

Where it is beating the Old World euthanasia regimes is in its frank, open and creative ideas for integrating euthanasia into Canadian life. In December two Quebec bioethicists argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that combining euthanasia with organ donation would be an excellent idea which could yield top-quality organs for needy patients.
"Frank," "open," "creative," "excellent," "like a duck to water," "fresh air!" 

"Pioneering spirit!"


Dad29 said...

....two ethicists suggest.....combining euthanasia with organ donation would be an excellent idea

Now we know of two prime candidates who should donate organs. If we're kind to them, it will be post-mortem.

Grim said...

I keep seeing these people referred to as 'ethicists,' but I dissent from any ethics that begins with the proposition that euthanasia-by-doctor is good, and then looks for ways to make it "excellent."

J Melcher said...

Larry Niven's forecasts look increasingly plausible.

Surely there must be felons in custody doing "life" sentences who would volunteer for alternatives.

Korora said...

"How DARE you weak ones be burdens on the strong!"

raven said...

Extrapolating this leads down a lane of darkness.
I started thinking about it and had to retreat.
Hence the flyby comment.

douglas said...

They make it clearer every day that they are not simply pro-abortion, but anti-life, and anti-human.

Christopher B said...

A report from a mother who discovered her son had scheduled a eutheansia appointment in Canada (Bari Weiss's Common Sense SubStack)

I believe the Canada government and therefore their national health service is all in on the trans luancy, so the same organization that will say a lethal injection is appropriate for a young person struggling to live with a physical defect and possible lifetime dependency on insulin will also tell you that deliberate mutilation and a lifetime dependency on sex hormones is appropriate for someone in a healthy body struggling with their gender identity *because the 'treatment' will reduce their suicide ideation.*

Korora said...

Christopher B: It's called doublethink, and the woke view its absence as proof of vile motives.

Daniel said...

I read that article on Canada's medically assisted suicide. Heartbreaking.

douglas said...

Brilliant point, Christopher, thank you.