Suzi Quatro

In one of those internet rabbit holes one sometimes explores, I discovered that Joan Jett in her initial fame as a member of the Runaways described herself as idolizing Suzi Quatro. Now Joan Jett I have known of since I was a youth myself, but I had never heard of Suzi Quatro

Well, she's no Joan Jett, but everything has to start somewhere. For whatever role she played in making Joan Jett and the Blackhearts happen, I am grateful. 


Elise said...

I told my husband I'd never heard of Suzi Quatro and he reminded me we'd seen her in a Midsomer Murders episode:

Grim said...

Oh, how about that?

I find the costuming in that video interesting. It's another incident of a phenomenon AVI describes about things always having earlier roots than you expect. For example, I always think of Jerry Lee Lewis of having invented the piano style he was famous for; but Bugs Bunny does it in Rhapsody Rabbit, which is pre-Lewis by a number of years. I thought Bugs was satirizing him for a long time, but it turns out there must have been well-known predecessors.

Here the studded-leather dog collars and bracelets look like Punk Rock from the classic late 70s era; but this is before Joan Jett joining the Runaways at 18 years old, and they were pre-punk. This was her inspiration, apparently.