Not to rub salt in the wound

So I just saw this over at Ace's place and just had to comment on it:

So as someone who works in IT at a media company, something immediately jumped out at me, and let me know if you saw it as well.

"And, as I said earlier, it was a terrible premise for such a test because no one would ever believe we were getting big bonuses from this company anyway!" 
- Justin Fenton

Um... how did you get there if you didn't click the link promising you big bonuses?  You know, the ones "no one would ever believe we were getting"?  Because if you didn't believe it, and didn't trust that it was real... why did you click on it?  Sounds to me like you failed the test legitimately.  And you're mad about it.  But what really makes me scratch my head is, why would you BRAG about the fact that you got taken in by "such an obvious scam" on social media?

Look, I get it... you are upset that the lockdown has cause contraction in the industry.  I've been under a pay cut myself since the lockdown started.  And I think I'm incredibly fortunate that I have a job right now.  But if you really think that "firing everyone" involved in this phishing test (because it hurt your FEELINGS) will help you in any way, frankly... I can see why you failed the phishing test that "no one would ever believe".

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