Rest in Peace, Max von Sydow

Swedish actor Max von Sydow has passed on. As the article mentions he had many more famous roles, but he also appeared in the Hall's favorite:


MikeD said...

Very sad. He was a legend.

Aggie said...

Yes, his acting seemed effortless and his characters as casually worn as an old coat. I will miss him.

Texan99 said...

A wonderful actor, from "Three Days of the Condor" to Bergman to "Flash Gordon."

MikeD said...


I'd also like to say that the very scene you chose to show is one of many excellent examples of his work, as well as one of my favorites. He stole the movie with a few minutes of acting.

Anonymous said...

I've been amused at the obituaries that claim his first major role was in _The Exorcist_. Apparently Bergman's films don't exist. (I saw _The Seventh Seal_ as a child and was very, very confused.)


Grim said...

I read today that he made the transition into video games, and was a significant character in Skyrim. That's voice acting, of course, but the character was also modeled on him physically.

MikeD said...

Can confirm that, Grim.